My House, The Airport, Same Difference

All last night, the DC10s kept taking off and landing, high pitched whining noises from the 10 super commercial drying fans plus two big de-humidifiers going all night long, and you’d think I’d have a hard time sleeping but once the sound started to drone on and on and on into my slumber, I was able to finally fall asleep and stayed that way until about 5 in the morning. I fell back asleep after I went to the bathroom and slept until they got here at 9 to start the work. 9 on a Saturday–I never get up that early.

What’s going on, you ask? Well, if you’ve been following on Facebook you already know, but for those of you who run across me randomly, my dishwasher decided to spring a leak and when it did, it sprayed for probably a couple of hours all over the floor. We were in about an inch of standing water all over the downstairs Pergo flooring. The flooring is shot–complete write off. They came the very next day and immediately started ripping flooring out of the house. we had no time to pack anything up or clean anything up.

But I have to give a lot of credit to the crew–they are cleaning up things and packing boxes of our stuff really neatly and labeling everything. I’m so impressed with how they are doing things. It will be like moving back into my own house soon and we’ll have to do all the unpacking.

Hell of a way to sprint clean, no?

With the deductible, we’re looking at somewhere about 2-3k out of pocket. Right now, everything is being directly billed to the insurance, so we have some time to come up with the money. The timing on a 2k stimulus would be wonderful–hint, hint government! ha! Probably won’t happen in time if it happens at all.

We have ‘loss of use’ of the kitchen, so we’re having to order all our food out right now. We’re saving receipts though because that’s all part f the cost and it can add up pretty quickly.

The hardest part for me is going to the bathroom. I usually use the potty chair in the middle of the living room but with all the workers here that’s not going to happen. So we’ve set up a place in the bedroom for me to use the potty but I have to transfer into the wheelchair, wheel into the bedroom and then transfer to the potty and then back again to my chair. I am working on moving into the bedroom and maybe just staying in there. It’s a lot quieter in there for sure with the door closed.

I feel bad for the birds. They don’t understand what is happening and we haven’t been able to let them out for two days because it’s dangerous for them in the house right now. They don’t know what’s going on, they just know there’s a lot of noise and strange people in their house. They are quieter today than they were yesterday but the fans probably kept them up all night too. Little Bit (Conner) hasn’t gone to see her boyfriend Woz in a day–we are going to move her over to where he is later tonight so they can spend some time together–Woz has so far handled being separated from his girlfriend okay. He usually screams when she’s not with him but so much is going on that I’m not sure he knows what to do.

I’m proud of how well they are handling things. When they first tore the flooring up, Conner went crazy and I thought she was going to have a little birdie heart attack. She flitted around in the cage and flapped her wings all over the place. It scared me for a second or two but then she calmed down and did well after that. The workers have been very considerate of the house and very kind to the birds. They so far get 10 stars from me for their service. I’m impressed.

In the end, this might be a blessing in disguise. The house gets a deep cleaning and we get new flooring and maybe new cabinets. Win/Win, but then again, we didn’t need new flooring and we could have done a spring cleaning ourselves without the packing everything up part. Still, trying to look at the bright side of things.

Wish us luck! We’re going to need it for the next few days… Sunday will likely be a fan day with nobody coming to the house, so at least maybe I’ll get to sleep in. My son gave me earplugs for the noise. I might try them tonight.

It can’t get any worse, so…. shhh, I didn’t just type that.

I love and need you all.

Love and stuff,
