Writing When You Don’t Feel Like It

I don’t always feel like writing, but when you do it for a living, you have to write sometimes, even when you don’t feel like it.

I’m in a lot of pain every day, and that’s not conductive to good writing, or any writing for that matter, but I’ve found that sometimes writing takes my mind off the pain and helps. It gives me something to focus on, besides hurting. I’ve also found that if I write more often, my depression is better. So it helps with that pain also.

I don’t have any tips for you, really, other than just write through it. If you sit down at the computer or typewriter or word processor or pencil and pad, however you write, and just get started, it’s almost always easier to push through and get it done.

You should strive to write every day. Even a few sentences is enough to keep you moving forward, and you never know when a plot twist might hit you and turn the whole thing over and around for you, taking you down a new path in the story.

Butt in chair, hands on keyboard, and just write.

I believe that writing every day or close to it is one of the things that differentiates successful writer from those who do it as a hobby for fun. The way to get better, get sold, share more, is to write every day and put stuff out there on a regular basis. I’m bad at that myself. I don’t write every day and I know I should do more.

This blog is being written for me, to remind myself to write more. Daily. Even when I don’t feel like it. Even when I hurt and want to do nothing but whine about the pain–perhaps especially then, I need to write.

What about you? Do you need to write more?  Did you used to write and now you find you don’t write as much anymore? What’s the problem? What’s holding you back? Let’s move forward together and write ever day, something, be it a blog or a novel, or a poem or anything else you desire. Just butt in chair, hands on keyboard.

Just write!

Love and stuff,


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