Decide to be Fine

I was talking to my daughter last night, and she has started this cool book, collecting words. Mostly, she’s writing quotes and slogans and phrases that mean something to her and writing them in this tooled, leather-bound book. It’s an awesome collection of positive phrases and quotes that I really enjoyed reading through last night.

One of the phrases really stuck with me. It said, “Decide to be fine till the end of the week,  then do it again next week.” 

I loved that. It’s how I live my life. Every day, I wake up and decide I’ll be fine today, I’ll be just fine, and then, I do it again tomorrow. It’s all about choice. And that was the theme that her book seemed to take — choice. Which is cool, because if you read my writings, you’ll see how big I am on choice, too.

The quote comes from the television show SUPERNATURAL, if you’re wondering, because my daughter is a fangirl. Hey, you can find deep meaning in anything if you are willing to look hard enough at something.

There was another part of the quote that sort of made an impression on me, too. It says, “Smile because that’s your job.” That’s how I feel about depression sometimes. Like I have to smile because that’s what’s expected of me, it’s my job, not necessarily something I want to do. The rest of that quote said, “Do it right with a smile or don’t do it at all….” And so many times I end up not doing it at all because I can’t find that smile.

But I don’t think this is talking about literally smiling. I think it’s a metaphor for feeling good about what it is you’re doing. Do it right with the right attitude or just don’t bother. If you don’t feel good about what you’re doing, why are you doing it? What’s the point?

But I’m digressing, let’s get back to choosing to be fine. I suffer from major depression, and it’s easy for me with everything going on with my health, well, for me to not be fine. And yet I wake up every day and choose to be fine.

You get to choose, too. Can you choose to be fine just until the end of the week? Then, get up next week and choose to be fine again!

It’s not easy. No one said it’s easy to be fine, to be okay, to choose to wake up and fight another day. It’s not easy, but it is that simple. You simply choose. And then you fight. And you keep winning and fighting, every day, and then next week, you do it again.

Choose to be fine ’til the end of the week.

I love and need you all. I choose to love you all, I don’t choose to need you, but I do! I do, I do, I do!

Love and stuff,
