Happy Valentine’s Day!

I hope everyone is having a ggod love day. Love is for everyone, and you can be single and have plenty of love in you life. Please don’t let the commercialization of a day make you sad for your love life. It’s not about flowers or spending money. I bought my best friend some chocolate covered strawberries because that’s sort of our tradition to share them. Ryan has done extravagant things for me in the past but this year I told him to save the money. I am happy with just the strawberries Lynn and i shared, and I meant that. He was a good boy and listened, but he wrote me a sweet letter.

It’s not too late–if you love someone, write them a sweet letter. It meant a lot too me. People don’t take the time to write letters anymore.

write your love and have a happy valentine’s day!

I love and need you all!


Love and stuff,
