What’s Michy Writing?

I lie in bed at night and write entire blog posts in my head but then get in front of the computer and nothing. i swear it’s a disconnect between my brain  and fingers that just doesn’t work right anymore. I need to get it back because sometimes these depressed moods I get in can be alleviated by writing. Writing — or purging what’s in my soul– helps me feel better.

It would probably help if I got a new keyboard or computer too–the one I have has a broken M key–thanks, Memphis. The cockatoo decided it was the M key that needed to be eaten. So whenever I have to type the letter M, i have to stop and position the key just right. I tried repairing it but he broke the little tabs that let you do that. I bought a new keyboard but after taking my entire laptop apart, I can’t figure out how to get to the keyboard part. I used to be good at this shit. Not so much anymore and the want 180 bucks to fix it along with the 50 bucks for the keyboards. I’m better off with a new computer at this point. This behemoth of a computer is 8 years old. It’s time, I just don’t have the money to spare on a new  computer when this one is still working fine. Fine-ish, anyway.

I’ve uploaded everything I have to google drive to save all my pictures and writings and stuff. I don’t want to lose any more writings like I did when the websites got hacked. If I had lost the ones on the computer, I’d have been devastated. Those are my novels I’ve been working on for years. Especially WALK A MILE. That one is 15 years in the making and I have all the revisions. It’s a damned good book right now, but it took a lot of work to get it the way it is now. I know I can write a book in a  month with NaNoWriMo but it takes time beyond that to get it right.

It takes editing and perfecting and in some instances, chopping! I have two books that I’ve completed that I chopped out entire chapters. In fact, one of the chapters I cut out of WALK A MILE became the basis of my story THREE, which is  now a series you can find on AMAZON. 

It was too good to go to waste but it didn’t belong in that book. So I used it, but made it stand alone. It’s as important to know what goes into a book as it is to know what doesn’t belong in it. Sure, some things are great backstory or side story for you to know about your characters but that doesn’t mean the reader need to know it. Kill those darlings and all that jazz.

I’m working on a fantasy novel right now because two people really, really want me to write it. I’m about 10 chapters in and they keep begging for more. I guess that means I’m going in the right direction. Fantasy is  not my genre for reading or for writing but I had this idea that wouldn’t quit–it just wouldn’t leave me alone, so I started writing it and Ryan got hooked. Then Richard said it was good and he reads fantasy a lot so when the two of them started attacking me to write this novel, it started pouring forth.

I can already tell I have some backstory that will be cut in the final edition that goes out to publishers but I need that information for me right now to finish writing it. I need to know the backstory of these characters to make them whole and complete feeling to the reader bt the reader might not need to now it so much. It needs to advance the plot too and these bits aren’t doing that. But we’ll see. It’s going strong right now and I’m really excited about it.

So that’s what I’ve been doing with my writing. Writing blog posts in my head and writing novels on the computer.  Hopefully some publisher will pick up WALK A MILE at some point as my debut novel and we’ll go from there!

Until then, I’ll keep writing. I can’t do anything else but write–it’s not what i do; it’s who I am!

Love and stuff,
