Physical Therapy #3

Today was more of the same. We did the same muscle building exercises and talked about future plans. She’s still good at telling me what the exercises are good for in real life. I like that. I still love this little shopping center clinic. It’s small and cozy and it’s like a little family. Everyone talks to everyone else while we exercise and play the absolute best music on the speakers–Eagles, Bon Jovi, 80s stuff and some 90s, and a few 70s, spanning eclectic decades.

The music helps you exercise–but it’s not too loud. Just enough you can hum to it without bothering anyone but not loud enough you can sing to it without embarrassing yourself–I know. I tried! LOL I got applause, though, so must not have been that bad.

Aleck goes with me but he sits on his phone the whole time. I tell him he should do the exercises with me. It can’t hurt. They are just basic strengthening exercises. Everyone should do basic exercises every other day or so–the body loves to move. Motion is lotion. Movement is medicine. If you want to stay healthy you have to keep moving. When you stop, you start dying. Your bod shuts down and you lose more and more until you end up like me, unable to even walk.

It’s not my fault I’m like this. Flat on my bad for 18 weeks from the broken leg and foot plus three strokes did me in. I have to relearn everything again. Think how long it takes a baby to learn to walk–and I have to relearn it. I can’t fall down like a baby can though, so I get a walker and go zoom zoom on two wheels and chrome LOL I’m a super speed demon going two steps per minute!!! Okay, maybe five.

I’m on a quest to walk again…. and I can do this!

I love and need you all.

Love and stuff,
